Wilgenweg 14A
1031 HV Amsterdam
+31 20 261 73 83

Released Varkens in Nood Campaign

Only 1% of all pigs in the Netherlands are allowed to keep their curly tails 😢 The rest endure a miserable life in cramped concrete pens in the livestock industry. Out of sheer frustration, they bite each other’s tails. To prevent this, their tails are brutally docked. With the new awareness campaign for @varkensinnood, we are informing consumers about the painful truth. Stop the mutilation of pigs!

From a young age, we are painted an idyllic picture of the barnyard – pigs wiggling their curly tails, calves grazing in green pastures, and chickens cheerfully pecking around their coops. 

Sadly, these images remain mostly between the pages of children’s books. 60% of people in the Netherlands say they want to see a reform in the bio-industry. What can we do to help? Urge vendors to switch to organic meats and offer more plant-based alternatives, ask the government to aid farmers in remodeling their businesses, and join this movement in ensuring that the future of farms is fair and friendly.

From Rossana Kluivert (@rossanakluivert) to Georgina Verbaan (@gverbaan) and Henny Huisman to Rutger Bregman (@rutger.bman) this multi-city out-of-home activation highlighted a variety of names that have already backed the movement to reform the bio-industry. Do you want to get behind this too? Add your name at

On World Animal Day we launched the Varkens in Nood (Pigs in Need) campaign to shed a light on the harmful and inhumane practices of the bio-industry in the Netherlands. This print ad, run in 4 national newspapers, features the names of people who have already backed this cause. Do you stand with us? Add your name at