Wilgenweg 14A
1031 HV Amsterdam
+31 20 261 73 83


Cultural Impact at the Speed of Social.

Boomerang exists at the nexus of creativity, technology, and culture. We make work that is truly influential, changing minds and shifting behavior through human connection. This capability comes from years of cultural immersion and expertise, combined with a process that integrates a lot of curiosity with data, insights, creativity, and new media & tech, at the speed of social.

Cultural Impact…

In order to really make cultural impact you need to be able to understand your audience, especially the ones that are ‘difficult to reach’; next generation(s). Audiences are organized in communities and communicate through platforms. So, to really interact, you need to blend in the communities’ native conversation with the right Social Campaigns to show them you understand the ‘rules’ of the platforms… and the game!


…at the Speed of Social

Boomerang has been social-first since our inception. Our experience means we’re always part of today’s conversations, and we’re ready for the ones that will evolve tomorrow, with something we call: ‘Topical Content’
It’s not only tapping into today’s news or tomorrow’s conversation. It’s making ideas culturally insightful and highly relevant. It’s contemporary content that shows a global audience that a brand understands their community.
Real-time global impact.

Cultural impact cases

Production to the Power of 3.

A healthy disrespect for rules has enabled us to boldly go where no agency has gone before. Boomerang has cracked the dynamic production code, delivering creative content multiplied by the power of data, amplified by technology. We call it Production3 : Production to the power of three.
1. Smart concepting
2. Smart production
3. Dynamic and modular approach

Smart concepting.

Shifting into a dynamic approach hasn’t been accomplished overnight. It took hard labor and sleepless nights to master the perfection of creative concepts with a modular build-up. Instead of the good-old-fashioned linear approach, our creatives are (also) skilled to take all data-entries and parameters into account when starting ideation in order to control the most desired outcome.

Smart production.

Getting the most out of everything is our life motto. Because why set up a production for one piece of world-class content when you can have tens of thousands? Our smart production approach makes sure that we can create every possible outcome based on the creative campaign idea, in order to reach millions of people around the globe in their own specific way. And our virtual production approach makes sure brands reduce their carbon footprint by producing all their content in one place. Smart, isn’t it?

Dynamic and modular approach.

The current marketing landscape is forcing organizations to create more content. And the key to success is relevancy. The right message for the right audience, in the right place at the moments that matter. With the right insights and data, best-in-class creativity, innovative production models and smart technology, we deliver high engagement. And we deliver it right!

Production cases